Small Animal Oncology

Elena Ferrer, our distinguished Residency Trained and Head of Department at a prominent Referral Hospital, offers unparalleled telemedicine services and clinical guidance, specifically tailored for the management of oncological cases within your primary care practice.

At the heart of our Oncology department lies a steadfast commitment to the precise diagnosis and efficacious treatment of neoplasias in small animals. With our team of experts at your disposal, the intricacies of managing oncological cases in your practice are streamlined, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

While telemedicine brings numerous advantages, we understand its limitations, especially in situations that necessitate complex surgical interventions. For such cases, our skilled surgical team is prepared to deliver the necessary surgical treatments directly at your facility. This includes close collaboration with our surgeons to devise the optimal surgical strategy, aiming to effectively remove neoplasias and secure the best possible prognosis for your patients.


Some examples of problems that may benefit from an oncologyst consultation or guidance are:

- Lymphoma

- Mast Cell Tumours

- Osteosarcoma

- Melanoma

- Squamous Cell Carcinoma

- Mammary Gland Tumours

- Fibrosarcoma

- Transitional Cell Carcinoma

The expected turnaround time for the advice is within the first 14 hours for routine cases.

To get help from our specialist for your oncological cases, send us an email with the patient history to or by phone/Whatsapp 07405805869 if it’s an urgent enquiry and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Few words from our clients

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