Small Animal Orthopaedics

Procedure List

This list of procedures is orientate. Please contact us if there is any procedure you don’t find in it


• Lameness assessment and work up

Cruciate Ligament

• Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO)

• Cora Based Leveling Osteotomy (CBLO)

• Cranial Closing Wedge Ostectomy (CCWO)

• Lateral suture

• Meniscal injuries

Patella luxation

• Tibial tuberosity transposition

• Block sulcoplasty

• Joint capsule imbrication

• Distal femoral osteotomy (angular deformity correction)

Fracture repair

• Simple and complex

• Diaphyseal, physeal and articular

Osteochondritis Dissecans

• Shoulder (modified Cheli approach)

• Elbow

• Tarsus

• Stifle

Tendon and ligament

• Assessment joint instabilities

• Primary reconstruction (Achilles and patella tendon)

• Ligament augmentation

• Articular infiltration (tendinopathies)


• Shoulder

• Elbow

• Tarsus (partial and pantarsal)

• Carpus

Hip Dysplasia

• Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis


• Toggle pin

• Ilio-trochanteric suture

• Femoral head and neck excision


• Incomplete Ossification Humeral Condyle (IOHC)

• Humeral Intracondylar fractures

• Ununited Anconeal Process (UAP)

• Bi-Oblique Dynamic Proximal Ulnar Osteotomy (BDPUO)

Call us anytime if you have any questions

+44 740 580 5869


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