Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery

Procedure List

This list of procedures is orientate. Please contact us if there is any procedure you don’t find in it

Skin Reconstruction

• Wound management

• Neoplasia resections

• Skin flaps: Axial, subdermal


• BOAS surgery: Nares resection, staphylectomy, everted saccules resection, tonsillectomy.

• Feline nasopharyngeal polyps

• Lung lobectomies

• Laryngeal paralysis: tie back

• Exploratory sternotomy and thoracotomy (foreign body)


• Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

• Pericardiectomy (subtotal)


• Diaphragmatic

• Perineal

• Abdominal wall

Head and neck

• Salivary gland mucocele

• Tongue resections and repair

• Eyes: entropion and prolapsed nictitans gland (cherry eye) corrections

• Thyroidectomy

• Oronasal fistulas


• Esophagotomy (FB)

• Gastrotomy and enterotomy

• Gastropexy / colopexy

• Enterectomy and anastomosis

• Gastrointestinal biopsies: stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas.

• Pyloric resection

• Liver lobectomy

• Cholecystectomy/cholecystostomy

• Stent placement

• Rectal neoplasias (pull-through)

• Anal gland neoplasia resection. Sacculectomy


• Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) + Lateral Bulla Osteotomy (LBO)

• Ventral Bulla Osteotomy (VBO)

• Aural Hematoma

Urinary and reproductive

• Nephrectomy

• Urethrotomy/Urethrostomy

• Cystotomy and bladder reconstruction

• Urethral prolapse

• Cryptorchid castration

• Mammary strip resection

Call us anytime if you have any questions

+44 740 580 5869


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