

What they think about us

We provide high-quality mobile small animal animal veterinary surgical services in London and the South of England. Our mission is to deliver in-house specialised surgical services: complex orthopaedic procedures, soft tissue surgery and neurosurgery.

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"I have known Ibra since working with him in a referral centre in the Netherlands where we worked together in the surgery department. Ibra is a diligent and knowledgeable clinician, very easy to get along with! He is very experienced and I would not hesitate to entrust him with performing surgery on my own pet." 

Matt Matiasovic

DVM MSc PGCert DipECVS MRCVS. European Specialist Small Animal Surgery

“Ibra worked at Northern Ireland Veterinary Specialists as long-term Locum this year. As a surgeon having successfully completed the globally recognised ISVPS/Improve international Certificate and Advanced Certificate programmes in Small Animal Surgery and Orthopaedics, we found Ibra knowledgeable, experienced and with technical abilities one would expect of an Advanced Practitioner. Most importantly, he was a good communicator, team player and was well-received by the team and clients alike.”

Aidan McAlinden

MVB MRCVS MsC CertSAS DipECVS, ECVS & RCVS Recognised Specialist Small Animal Surgery, Northern Ireland Veterinary Specialists

"Ibra is a joy to work with. He has come into our hospital and worked with our team and equipment to great effect. Ibra is very knowledgeable about all aspects of orthopaedic cases and has been able to relate this to our clients in a very understanding manner."

James Farell

BVetMed CertSAS PGCertVBM MRCVS, RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery, Managing Clinical Director Woodcroft Veterinary Hospital

"Ibra has been working in our orthopaedic department. He has a great rapport with both clients and staff. He cares about his patients and makes clear plans for their ongoing treatment. Ibra has managed some difficult cases with ease and has quickly fitted into our team. We wish we could keep him!" 

Kerry Billington

BVMS PGCertSAS GPAdvCert(SAOS) MRCVS RCVS Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery Referral Surgeon Woodcroft Referral Veterinary Hospital, Manchester. England.

"Luna, our cat, got hit by a car and broke her hip. Ibra stepped in and was very efficient. Not only he did a great job with the surgery, but he also kept us in the loop the whole time, which was really reassuring. Now Luna's back to her old tricks in the garden again. We're just so grateful for Ibra's help and the excellent care he provided throughout the process." 

Jeroen van der Berg

Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

"Both my Labs, Bella and Beau, had TPLO surgeries with Dr. Hernando for their cruciate ligament injuries. He was very transparent about the procedures and very helpful, and the recovery was quicker than expected. Bella and Beau are now back to their normal routines, playing fetch like nothing ever happened. I couldn’t be more happy of his great work." 

Patrick O’Donnel

Belfast, Northern Ireland

"When Molly was coughing for months and not responding to medication. Ibra diagnosed Molly of a lung tumour with a CT scan. The surgery was a success and Molly's been doing really well ever since. These days, she's back to chasing balls in the garden like she used to. I'm very grateful to Ibra for everything he has done." 

Siobhan Gallagher

Leeds. England

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